Saturday, February 5, 2011

My love of lists

I loves lists...em-dashes...ellipses...and exclamation points!! But most of all, I love lists (not so much Post-It notes..those I leave for my sis!) because as I get older, it's easier to remember things if they are written down

Here are some lists I find interesting.
  • 1000AwesomeThings. Too funny.
  • Stuff Asian People Like. I found SAPL after reading SWPL which was introduced to me by way of 2 writer friends. Hilarious because I found myself identifying with many things on the list.
  • Stuff White People Like that I also like. David Sedaris. Coffee. Moleskin Notebooks. Grammar. Farmer's Markets. Traveling. Tea. Apple Products. Recycling. Bicycles. San Francisco. Sushi. Modern Furniture (or Mid-Century Furniture).
From the SAPL, I can't help but like:
#17 Asian Supermarkets. I love all supermarkets, especially those in foreign countries. In France, it is a veritable good time browsing through the different dairy cases and counters. Rows and rows of yaourts, fromage blanc, creme fraiche, hundreds of cheeses from the sweet and mild to the strong and stinky. From the cow, sheep, lamb, goat, and buffalo too? Just the other day, I even found sliced, individually packaged cheese food from Le Vache Qui Rit (The Laughing Cow).

#21 Growing Stuff in Your Own Yard. Sunshine. Water. Seeds. Love.

#31 Rice. Last year while visiting R in February I went an entire 17 days without eating rice. How did I manage to survive on cheese, bread, pasta and potatoes?! R has cravings for dairy being the Dutchman he is. Me, being the "Fàntǒng" I am, I crave rice and the universe doesn't feel quite right until I have some.

#75 Dumplings. Yes, I have dumpling rage. I love the ones in a certain hole in the wall place in NYC's Chinatown. I also love the ones I've learned to make over the past 6 months. I loathe "thick-skinned" ones, as per my dumpling discourse.

#76 Fresh food. What?? Oh, okay. I just read #76 and I'm guilty as charged. I want the best bang for my buck. So when I'm buying foods like milk, I choose the one with the latest sell by date. I mean, that's just smart, right? Asian list all has to do with food. Very interesting. What do you think of these you have any humorous ones to add?

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