Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

I'm writing this after a simple breakfast of fresh eggs (mine is simply fried while R's is soft-boiled) with baguette and terrine de campagne. My Japanese friend and her family came over to our house yesterday for a BBQ and while I told her to just bring herself, she brought us presents of fresh Japanese vegetables from her garden and 2 fresh eggs that her hens laid yesterday. Both the vegetables and the hens are grown organically. I have yet to see the garden or the coop - but maybe on my next visit.

This is the second time ever eating les oeufs frais. My first fresh egg experience was quite was in 2000, while visiting my great uncle's house in Sydney, Australia. It couldn't have gotten more local as I collected a few eggs from the coop myself, where my great uncle kept half a dozen or so hens and a rooster. Can you tell the difference between store-bought and free-range chickens? First, the free-range eggshells are a bit sticky; the yolks are incredibly yellow and rich tasting; and the taste...amazingly fresh, and sunny, if sunshine can be tasted!
Our friends came over with their 2 sons (the baby is 10 months, while the older one Luc is 5) yesterday for a BBQ in our backyard . While the meats were grilling on R's homemade grill, a game of football (soccer) ensues, with me and the boys' dad on Team France (so named because we aren't very good players) and R and Luc on Team Spain (a much better team).

As you'll see next, I am not the most coordinated person (but I do love kids)! One of my kicks, aimed at the goalie of Team 2, bounces on the grass and hits the baby squarely on the side of the head! The baby turns around to give me a little hurt look. I felt SO BAD, but everyone laughed, and the baby wasn't hurt and didn't cry. Minutes after R teases me about my mad football skills, he himself commits 2 grands faux pas, back to back. First, at a close distance, he kicks a fly ball and it hits the 5 year old squarely in the chest. Immediately after we've all laughed that off, while he's trying to kick the ball past the dad, R kicks the ball, sending it flying into his chest!

At this point, everyone is just roaring with laughter and R forewarns my friend that it's her turn next to get a ball in the head! It was hilarious - you just had to be there! All in all, a great time outdoors with some new friends and delicious BBQ. I hope they return again soon, after I've improved my football skills just un peu.

Today R and I are heading to several fun activities in town and nearby. First, a vide grenier (flea market) in our town square; then we're going to check out two fêtes nearby. The fêtes always celebrate something...but more on that later.

Faites un bon dimanche et le quatrième de juillet! What are your plans for Independence Day?


  1. Have you guys considered something less violent? Perhaps golf?!?! Sounds like a fun time!

  2. Ha! That sounds fun. You shouldn't make a habit of hitting little kids though. :D When you say football, I assume you mean soccer, right? Looks like you're getting used to life in France.

  3. Pati - Well, golf may not be violent for you....mais pour moi, it is less than graceful and I somehow manage to hit my balls either behind me, or off to the side..that is when I manage to hit them at all. Sometimes, my club just cuts through air!

    LL - Life is good. How's your summer? Heard about gma..and that you spent the day with her the other day. How is she doing now? Yes, football = soccer.
