Sunday, May 22, 2011

Goodbye barbecues

Countdown to Boston: 6 days left in la campagne. I can't believe how fast time is flying. Today more bricolage, packing, eating leftovers from last night's BBQ with friends, and attending a local Comice Agricole with hundreds of cows and other animals. This afternoon the horse farmer brought 3 horses, one brown and two white ones to our house. They will be eating all the grass around the house, as we won't be around to mow the lawn ourselves. For these beautiful creatures, I've saved some super crunchy bread...they love it as a treat.
Yesterday as R and I lay together in the hammock under the cherry and mirabelle trees, the beautiful blue skies turned gray and threatening. Not wanting to get up, we laid there, listening to the crickets and watching the wind push the clouds away. It was a bit chilly but we were snuggled against one another, me seeking warmth and R hoping to catch some zzzs before our friends arrived for a barbecue in the garden. 
I had to sigh while looking at the mountains and trees before us. So beautiful. Truly, I love la campagne and will miss it terribly. 
Lucky the skies held back and we had a great barbecue with our friends. Foodwise I made quite a bit..marinated chicken in a tandoori bbq mix that a Scottish friend gave me; then pork in a peanut buttery pate sauce; merguez sausages; turkey brochettes. For vegetables, grilled onions and zucchini. Sauteed red beans using Nigella Lawson's recipe. And a creamy homemade polenta served with this fantastic kale, bacon, and mushroom sauce using 4 different kinds of kale picked straight from our garden. Instead of pancetta, I used lardons fumés. For dessert, slices of Royal Gala apple and poire Williams, and also some chocolate chip cookies for my friends who are addicted to them! 
It was so much fun having them over and playing with the kids. Food is best enjoyed outdoors and surrounded by friends, preferably without any utensils (but with plenty of water and napkins).

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