Thursday, March 24, 2011

Au Jardin Botanique

While R attended to some business in Geneva, I spent the afternoon strolling through the Jardin Botanique, situated near the United Nations and Lake Geneva. In the sun, it felt like 70 and my sweater and spring down jacket quickly got tossed in my backpack.

By the time winter rolls into spring, I'm not as excited anymore about fall and winter fashion, and I long to forsake winter's heavy layers and accessories for t-shirts, shorts, skirts, and sandals. Yesterday was definitely a t-shirt and jeans kind of day. I hope that before long, I'll be wearing sandals again.

If it's been a particularly bleak winter (as it's been for my friends and family in Boston), there is no better cure for the winter blahs than a burst of spring color. 

At home, the forsythia outside my kitchen window is bursting with yellow blooms, their branches overladen with flowers. Tiny birds love this plant and R has seen them fluttering around the plant in the early morning, oblivious to his presence. Near the driveway, our crocuses, irises, and hyacinths, and tulips are growing, their green stalks pushing through the soil in search of sun, just like the rest of us.

At the Jardin Botanique, my plan was to see and photograph the botanical garden's spring plants and serres. But lovelier sights captured my attention and focus. 

My favorite photo from the day

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